Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Statistics: the Importance of Early Detection

Not to be overly dramatic, but if you have digestive problems, please have it thoroughly checked out by a doctor.  EARLY Detection is key!

The American Cancer Society's most recent estimates for stomach cancer in the United States are for 2012:  (50% Mortality Rate-based on all Stages)
  • About 21,320 cases of stomach cancer will be diagnosed (13,020 in men and 8,300 in women)
  • About 10,540 people will die from this type of cancer (6,190 men and 4,350 women)

Stomach cancer is much more common in other parts of the world, particularly in less developed countries. It is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the world.

This is a disease that mostly affects older people. The average age of people diagnosed is 70. Almost two thirds of people with stomach cancer are 65 or older. The risk of a person developing stomach cancer in their lifetime is about 1 in 114, but it is slightly higher in men than in women.

Until the late 1930s, stomach cancer was the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Now, stomach cancer is well down on this list. The reasons for this decline are not completely known, but may be linked to increased use of refrigeration for food storage. This made fresh fruits and vegetables more available and decreased the use of salted and smoked foods. Some doctors think the decline may also be linked to the frequent use of antibiotics to treat infections. Antibiotics can kill the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H pylori), which may be a major cause of stomach cancer.

Survival rates for stomach cancer

Some people with cancer may want to know the survival rates for their type of cancer. Others may not find the numbers helpful, or may even not want to know them. If you do not want to read about the survival statistics for stomach cancer, stop reading here and skip to the next section.
The 5-year survival rate refers to the percentage of patients who live at least 5 years after their cancer is diagnosed. Of course, many people live much longer than 5 years (and many are cured).
The 5-year survival rates for stomach cancer by stage are as follows*:

    Stage IA       71%
    Stage IB       57%
    Stage IIA      45%
    Stage IIB      33%
    Stage IIIA     20%
    Stage IIIB     14%
    Stage IIIC      9%
    Stage IV       4%

The overall 5-year relative survival rate of people with stomach cancer in the United States is about 28%. One reason for this is that most stomach cancers are found at an advanced stage. The outlook for survival is better if the cancer is in the lower part of the stomach than if it is in the upper part.

I was Stage IIB initially which was upgraded to Stage IV nine months ago.

Yes, I am a

Fortunate One

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Why I Created this Blog

Information is power!  I was very sick when I was diagnosed with Gastric Cancer.  I did not have a working computer (no laptop) at the time.  I had recently acquired a Smart Phone and quickly started learning how to go and research... and it was so scary, all I really could find were my odds.  They were GRIM to say the least. 

Japan seemed to have the most experience with this particular cancer and that wasn't getting me anywhere.  I started searching blogs and I  found a lot were other Survivors looking for help, answers... information.  (Truthfully most of the bloggers seem to be loved ones, of Survivors.) 

Important:  I define a Survivor as someone still here!   Still fighting!  Still has QUALITY of Life!  Also important is that I am an upfront, upbeat, honest person.  If you can't handle the truth, don't ask the question.  : )

MOST IMPORTANT seemed to be that we had 2 things in common - Caught too Late and to a lesser degree, long history of digestive troubles.  Most of them older than me, and doctors tend to shy away from any aggressive treatment then.   I was lucky.  I was strong.  I had to tell the doctors what I could do, that I was worth it.  Here I am!  I want to see others say the same too!  :)

I did the best I could and usually was one head-a-step of my docs for most of the time.  But that's me, that's how I got through it.  It was the only way I could have any control over what was happening to me.  I have spent the last couple of days learning how to create a blog and joined the CSN (Cancer Survivors  Network).  They have an area specific to Gastric Cancer.  There are a lot of posts, mostly questions.  I hit a bunch of the most recent posts, especially 'just joined' posts and showed them my profile from here and invited them to view my page. 

I feel this is incredibly important if I can help just 1 person.  It is all worth it.  I have never communicated with any support groups, etc.  My family and friends have been amazing.  For the most part, I have spent all of my time since completing treatment; either running (appreciating travel) or resting/recovering from surgery and chemo. 

Currently, I notice some anger/hostility over the last month (road rage too) and I believe I just hit another stage of my cancer.  : (   oh well...  1 more down  : )

Enough for now,
Fortunate One

Live for Today, Fight for Tomorrow :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cancer Calendar/Summary of Treatment

Hello, I am new to blogging so your patience is appreciated.

I hope to help others in my condition by providing some of my experience LIVING with Stage 4 (metastisised) Gastric Cancer.

Here we are in 2013, it all started the spring of 2011 (at least that is, when the symptoms started) but we did not get a Gastric Cancer Diagnosis until January 2012.

Cancer Advancement/Staging Summary
Spring 2011      Developed Hietal Hernia (so we thought)

June 2011    Doctor examines, does bloodwork.  Everything looks good.  Advises continuance of self perscribed-Prilosec

Nov 2011     Hietal syptoms worsen.  Can eat very little and no eating and drinking together.

Dec 2011    Throw up on way to work, cannot eat at all.  Stool has black streaks.

Dec 27, 2011    Return to doctor.  Informed that the black is blood and we need further testing ASAP

Dec 29, 2011    Endoscopy & Colonoscopy.  Cannot properly inflate stomach for test.  Leather Bottle symdrome. 

Dec 30, 2011     CT of Pelvis & Abdomen

Jan 3, 2012   Diagnosed Gastric Cancer - Stage T2B

Jan 4th    First Visit to Oncologist

Jan 5th    Endoscope/Ultrasound

Jan 6th    PET Scan

Jan 10th   Chemo Port Installed

Jan 11th   Echocardiogram

Jan 12th    Chemo Class & 2 Surgical Consults for removal of stomach (total gastrectomy)

Jan 18th    Begin CHEMO

March 27th   Surgery- total gastrectomy.  Diagnosed Stage 4- cancer was found to be metastisised (terminal).  Feeding Pump installed into abdomen. 

May 16th    Resume Chemo

Aug 19th  Remove Chemo Port & Feeding Tube from Abdomen

Aug          CT Scan (every 3 months going forward).  Results show minimal cancer activity (minimized by chemo)

Aug       Oncologist takes leave of absence - and I have never seen her again - very disturbing

Sep 2012    Given my running shoes.  Run baby run!

Nov 2012   Done with travel for a while, home for the holidays.  Need 3 month scan.  Have lost 1/3 my body weight (was on the thin side already).
                   Find new oncologist (like him)  scan and bloodwork are good.  Scan shows no advancement and bloodwork is damn near, completely normal!!!!

January 19, 2013     STILL HERE!  5'7"  100lbs  and I am LIVING!

Feb 2013   3 month (routine) scan and bloodwork :   Scan shows no signs of advancement.  Blood work was amazing :) 

March 2013  Vacation to Hawaii, exerted a lot of energy.  Ate like crazy and Drank 1 bottle Riesling/day.  Gained, size, weight and strength.

March 27, 2013  CELEBRATE!  Year 1 without a Stomach.  Winning!!!

April 1, 2013  Still Here!  Kicking Ass at 111 lbs.  Living everyday to the fullest.

April 26, 2013  Had a Complete Physical today with Primary Care Doc.  Reviewed extensive bloodwork and urinalysis he ordered.  Quoting him, "Amazing!", yeah, I know.  3 month scan & bloodwork results due at end of May.  So Very Fortunate  :)


Lots of details left out... what would you like to know?  Have you seen the stats?  Ugly as hell... Live today while Fighting for tomorrow!